4 episodes
God is good. We might know this and sometimes it is easy to see it and at other times it is difficult. There are reminders of this all around us if we choose to open ourselves to His goodness. His good creation, finding the good in the bad, seeing good in the everyday and the need to stop and be reminded that God is good when life is good. Let us celebrate that God is good at all times.
So far we have explored how God is the creator of good things, we can talk to our good God, how He is good in bad times and this week we will discover how to remember that God is Good in good times and in everyday life.
We need reminding that both the toughness and blessings of life can distract us from the goodness of God. We can forget that he is with us in bad seasons and also forget that everything good comes from him.
Sharon Staub, an elder of our church, shares with us the importance of intentional prayer. What do we say? Why do we say it? How do we approach our Good God? Does he really give good things?
Pastor Adrian opens the series, God is Good, with a look at the creation account. Each day God looked at what he created and saw that it was good. What God creates is good, the trees, the animals, the mountains, it is all good. He also made you and me and we are very good.