Day 1 - The Lord's Prayer

12 Jul 2021

     Pray like this:

     Our Father in heaven,

         may your name be kept holy.

     May your Kingdom come soon.

     May your will be done on earth,

         as it is in heaven.

     Give us today the food we need,

     and forgive us our sins,

         as we have forgiven those who sin against us.

     And don’t let us yield to temptation,

         but rescue us from the evil one.

                                    Matthew 6:9-13 (NLT)

Pray like this...

It was Luther that famously coined “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer” and the history records tell us he wasn’t exaggerating, there are many accounts of students and friends attesting to his dedication to fervent, daily prayer. Yet in 2021 to imagine praying for 3 hours a day leaves many feeling helpless, a not uncommon problem of knowing what to prayer could perhaps be the reason why Jesus felt it so important to provide a model for His disciples. “Pray like this” he said.

Whether you’re in the very early stages of your journey of prayer or you’re a seasoned prayer warrior, this model of prayer given by Jesus has a way of transcending culture, traditions, attitudes, and experience. These are not mere words, but a way of shaping our hearts, helping us to see and yearn for the very things that God himself desires.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer, first from scripture then try in your own words.

Today's contributor: Lyndelle Peterson

Lyndelle Peterson
